Realised by the In artibus Foundation, the translation and publication of Pelli’s travel notes and letters, kept all these years by his heirs in Switzerland, are basically the first hard copy of Luigi Pelli’s records published in Russia. Luigi Pelli is a disputable and enigmatic figure in the history of Russian architecture, and the range of monuments of architecture attributed to him is hardly justified yet. That is why a string of elegant facsimile reproduction of the handwritten diary, provided with all but interlinear translation, and, moreover, the pages of author’s drawings and sketches from “Copybook for notes and sketches”, open the long-awaited new facts and possibilities of interpretation of Pelli’s creative heritage.
Travel Diary of Luigi Pelli of Aranno from Saint Petersburg to Lugano in 1829
For the first time in Russian
Exhibition Catalogue 2024
Exhibition catalogue 2022